Indian River County adopted its initial “Beach Preservation Plan” in 1998; this plan provides for the restoration and maintenance of County Beaches divided into 8 sectors. As part of this Plan, the County:
- placed about 560,592 cubic yards of sand to restore 6 miles of Sector 3 beaches; and
- is expected as soon as late 2020 to maintenance nourish Sector 7 beaches.
In support of the County’s Beach Preservation Plan, Coastal Tech:
- provided a 2008 Plan update developed with County staff and stakeholders;
- provided professional services for the initial Sector 3 restoration including:
- application of numerical and empirical models to assess performance of alternatives including their hardbottom impacts;
- design to avoid hardbottom impacts – using either an offshore borrow area or upland sand sources;
- environmental services to map and characterize hardbottom communities and identify turtle nesting and abundance surrounding the project area;
- obtainment of FDEP and USACE permits;
- construction plans and Technical Specifications; and
- initial post-construction monitoring.
- is currently providing professional services for the initial Sector 7 restoration including:
- Public Outreach meetings;
- Pre-Qualification of Upland Sand Sources (for all County projects);
- Offshore Borrow Area evaluation and delineation;
- mapping and characterization of nearshore hardbottom;
- design of proposed beach-fill with “no impact” to nearshore hardbottom;
- assistance to the County in obtaining construction easements;
- obtainment of FDEP and USACE permits; and
- bidding and construction contract award.
Completion: 2006 – 2012 (Sector 3); 2018-present (Sector 7)
Construction Cost: $14.7M (Sector 3)