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Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

Client: USAF – via ICMI

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The U. S. Air Force (USAF) proposes a construction Project along approximately 4.5 miles of causeway shoreline at the Canaveral Air Force Station to (a) restore and enhance habitat damaged by Hurricanes Matthew and Irma, and (b) provide protection to upland infrastructure.  Coastal Tech is serving as Designer for Intergrated Construction Management, Inc. (ICMI) who has been engaged by the USAF for design-build of the Project.

Coastal Tech:

  • Performed a Hydrographic survey and mapped, mangrove, invasive species and benthic resources;
  • assessed potential impacts of a 100-year return interval design storm for (a) existing conditions, and (b) after construction of alternatives;
  • provided customary conceptual, preliminary, and final design services for improvements including removal of existing exotic vegetation; planting of mangrove and native grasses; wave-break sills; groins, revetment, and bulkhead;
  • obtained SJRWMD and USACE permits; and
  • construction staking and observations to document compliance with plans, specifications, and permits. 

Construction Cost:  To be determined

Completion:  2018-2020